Thursday, May 08, 2008

Please Excuse Me

I have been absent from my dear blog for weeks because of a combination of birthday events, travel, and general life-insanity. I am working on getting back into the blogging groove. This note is just to let my readers (yes, all three of you) know that I am still alive.

Also, in the spirit of letting this blog become more personal than I've let it be thus far...

A conversation this morning over AIM:

Me: i add condensed milk to my tea
Thomas: haha yes you would
Thomas: i'm convinced you run entirely off of sweet things
Me: 'tisn't true!
Thomas: Which fits my longtime theory that you are actually some fairy or spirit

Question: Are fairies/spirits really said to live off of sweets?


Evaline C. said...
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Evaline C. said...

if they didn't risk gastrointestinal disease...i'd say why not?? yay so glad you're back! though birthdays and travel are more than good enough excuses :]

causeforchange said...

I think you run off of love..

and sweet things. And pepper!

krysta said...

Since Tinkerbell is fiesty does she run off peppers?