Sunday, March 30, 2008

Chicory is Essential, Apparently

I had been making Vietnamese-style coffee with a dark roast from Trader Joe's, and while it was good, there was just something missing. It didn't taste quite right: it didn't have the same mouthfeel or color as the coffee I had and loved in Cambodia and in Vietnamese restaurants here. Yesterday I decided to pick up a can of Cafe du Monde Coffee with Chicory, and, lo-and-behold, this morning's brew was exactly right.

In Wikipedia I trust (for more about chicory).

The process of making coffee this way is worth it. I love watching the condensed milk swirl up into the coffee from the bottom of the cup. It reminds me of mornings in Cambodia and late nights in pho restaurants.


Anonymous said...

Would you be as kind to make me a cup too?

the grocery fiend said...

Gladly-- sometime in June, maybe.

Anonymous said...

I used to sit in cafes in New Orleans watching people buy multiple tins of this coffee. Before I left I had to buy some and bring it home with me.

I can drink a cup of this remember home.